Thermal Remediation of Hard-to-Treat Contaminants

Flash webinar

We are excited to invite you to our last webinar of the series "A clean site speaks louder than words".

This time we will take you on virtual site visits in Vietnam, Denmark, Switzerland, and Italy. During these visits, you will have the opportunity to see the sites where we have successfully removed persistent contaminants such as:

In this webinar, we will provide valuable insights into target treatment temperatures, considerations for reaching these temperatures, as well as the safety and effectiveness of our thermal technology.  There will also be time to discuss the results of thermal treatment of PFAS.

Get equipped with the knowledge and understanding necessary to tackle similar challenges in your own projects.


Niels Ploug, Sales and Product Manager, Krüger Soil Remediation, DK
Steffen Griepke, Vice President of Technology, TerraTherm Inc.

Sales and Product Manager
M: +45 2048 5963
E: [email protected]
Soil remediation
In-Situ Thermal Soil Remediation (ISTD) is a robust, proven and patented technology for heating the subsurface to remediate soil and groundwater.